The WebMoney Transfer system owner provides unconditional technical implementation of procedures of accounting, storage and control over the repayment of debentures payable to bearer in Paymer format, which are rendered by the WebMoney Transfer system members by means of WebMoney Transfer Automatic Hardware-Software Complex (AHSC) in the process of the credit transaction, if:

  1. You agree to the "Provisions of Debenture Registration within WebMoney Transfer System Credit Service" stated below;
  2. You are virtually a holder of the credit transaction electronic attributes (WMC title units) of the WebMoney Transfer system. The status of the virtual holder of WMC title units and, correspondingly, the status of a credited member (Borrower) is certified by your debentures payable to bearer in Paymer format in the form of WMD title units accepted by another system member (creditor) as a temporary mortgage payment for the provided goods and services;
  3. You acknowledge your full responsibility for actions related to the credit transaction and take all the risks related to the repayment of debentures rendered by you and payable to bearer in Paymer format by means of transferring WMZ title units to the creditor's account in the amount and within terms prescribed by the credit transaction entered;
  4. You establish the identity and solvency of the creditor, the compliance of the volume and quality of goods and services with the terms of the credit transaction entered, as well as the way of their delivery and receipt, by any means available to you prior to the transaction, and acknowledge that the WebMoney Transfer system does not serve as a party of the transaction;
  5. In case of full or partial failure to repay the debentures within the defined term you agree to submit complete information about your personality available within the WebMoney Transfer system to the creditor at his request.
  6. In case of full or partial failure to repay the debentures within the defined term you acknowledge civil legal relations established with the presenter of debentures, which are based on full compliance with the obligations taken by the previous creditor and assigned to the presenter of the debentures (new creditor) by means of the WebMoney Transfer System procedures or any other liability accounting system providing for the WebMoney Transfer AHS (Analog of Handwritten Signature) authenticity verification.

Provisions of Debenture Registration within WebMoney Transfer System Credit Service

  1. Registration of your debentures payable to bearer in Paymer format is performed directly and only in the moment of their transfer to another member of the system crediting you with goods or services, and virtually requires you to effect full settlement with this member within the term defined by him from the moment of the credit transaction.
  2. Debentures payable to bearer in Paymer format serving as a credit transaction tool have a quantitative equivalent, which is determined by electronic attributes of the transaction and accounted for you with WMC title units; they are also equivalent to the cost of goods or services rendered to you based on the credit transaction terms and estimated in the volume of the WMZ title units not exceeding your own admissible limit of debentures registered with the WebMoney Transfer system. The total admissible limit of debentures is established for you individually based on the algorithm implemented by the System Owner to restrict maximum responsibility of transaction participants and does not depend on the will of the credit transaction participants.
  3. The debentures transferred by you are accounted with your transaction contractor as WMD title units and exclude the possibility of being presented to you for payment prior to the term defined under the credit transaction.
  4. Automatic repayment of your debentures transferred by you to the creditor is performed only by means of transfer of the amount of WMZ title units corresponding to the amount of debentures to the creditor's account within the WebMoney Transfer system from your own account within the WebMoney Transfer system.
  5. Should you fail to repay the debenture within the term defined under the credit transaction, an automatic alteration of the functioning logic of the WM Keeper used by you is performed. As a result, you lose the possibility to perform transactions with title units within the WebMoney Transfer system with regard to other system members, except for exchanging your title units of any types for WMZ title units via the wm.exchanger.ru exchange service by means of the WM Keeper software you use. The WM Keeper starts operating in the debenture repayment automatic mode, when either one-time or phased transfer of WMZ title units corresponding to the concerned amount of debentures is performed.

Accounting on WMC